Welcome – September 2021 (3)



Thank you so much for visiting my new site & signing up to hear about my adventures.

What can you expect from the Sailing Scallywag newsletter? 
  • Scally’s Sounds
  • Scally’s Galley
  • General sailing tips and fun features
My story has been shared in Scuttlebutt Sailing News.
The Arc & Sailing Scallywag!
Opportunities and dreams go hand in hand, my forthcoming involvement with this year’s Arc highlights this to me.

Working on a flotilla in Greece I met many individuals from all walks of life, one of whom was to present me with a brilliant opportunity. I was asked to Skipper a yacht for the World Arc, something I have always dreamt of doing. My personal journey of Marine to Mariner was really taking on a whole new level!
This November on a 42 foot Catamaran myself and my crew, along with the owner of the boat and his wife, will be taking on the challenge and also enjoying the many elements the race brings. I write this with both trepidation and excitement. Planning and researching the various passages and elements that each part has brought with it the reality that we are drawing ever closer to the start line.
In terms of crew selection, I have selected individuals who have a sense of adventure, are adaptable, willing to learn but also have their sea legs. Being resourceful is also a key skill for such a trip as one must be open and prepared for every eventuality. I am endeavouring to match the crew up to the range of passages a trip like this offers, thereby character matching the sea state as much as possible!

Lists, charts and understanding the different oceans I will encounter is key to my planning and preparation. Reading a variety of books by some of the greats including Tilman, Francis Chichester and Knox Johnson is inspiring me and adding to my knowledge and understanding of the ocean and maritime history in general. It is incredible to think that many of these early passages had little or no technical equipment on them and these sailors relied solely on the elements, bravery and knowledge past down to conquer the high seas.
As the weeks roll by The Arc draws closer, with that comes the excitements and anticipation that sailing and the ocean brings. I can’t wait.
So, watch this space for more Scally adventures!

Happy sailing,

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